Sunday, October 6, 2013

Flowers & Fantastic Answers

Sundays are the best days of the week.
Church, of course!
Many of us college folk are in a rotation at our church to teach children's church to the kindergarten and 1st graders. While this is a challenge sometimes, it is such a blessing.
This morning, God completely showed me how the faith of a child is absolutely beautiful and something God wants us to have.
During worship, God completely showed me all that he has been to me and is to me today.  
After tears and wonderful songs of praise, all the kids ran to their classroom.
With the awesome thought of Jesus before me, class consisted of "Who Jesus is to us."
I pulled out a white board, expo marker, and the "talking stick." 
To keep the chaos down, the only kid who currently holds the stick is able to talk. 
Best idea ever. 

"Who is Jesus to you?"
"He's healed me before when I was sick."
"Amen! So, he is your ____?"
"He is my healer," shouted a little girl with a smile on her face.
"That's right! And that's only one of the things he is!"

The next 15 minutes consisted of the kids passing around the talking stick, telling us who Jesus was to them and what He meant to them. Keep in mind these kids are all around 6.
 Here are some of the beautiful answers they gave:

-He protects us
-Saved me from sin
-Died on the cross & rose again
-He gave me church
-He gave me the Bible
-He gave me a wonderful family
-Holy Spirit
-Gave me a home
-He is LOVE

I was so blessed by the hearts of these kids this morning. Jesus is ALL of these things and so much more than anything this world could ever offer us.
He is truly amazing.
To end the morning, Felix and I were on our way back to our house when we stopped to pick some BEAUTIFUL flowers we saw on the side of the road. 

This day has already consisted of an amazing time in Jesus' presence and has been filled with so many little blessings. Today, I'm thankful for flowers, friends, faith of the children, and most of all...Jesus.

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